You Have Good Lead Generation BUT…

You Need To Keep Leads Warm

Watch this video and hear one example of

how my strategies can work

Key Take Aways:

  • Find Relationship Builders
  • Work on the hot buttons or LIkes of your prospects… communicate their language

Once you get that lead . . .

How well does your company keep closing?

On average, you have 3-5 minutes to connect with a customer via text or call. Once they’ve submitted their request for information, you should follow up by email.

Your goal is to have the prospect qualify or disqualify themselves in the short time they’re engaged (on your website or while responding to an ad).

Set your system up in a way that allows prospects to choose the best time for them to meet and take the next step.

Create a follow-up system of reminders to be sent to the prospect leading up to scheduled appointments. This helps your sales team be more effective, keep scheduled appointments, and communicate your message. It also provides additional opportunities to educate your prospects on why you’re a better choice than the competition.

I can tell you 2 areas where
most companies fail!

They don’t communicate well or keep their system simple. (Don’t complicate things or explain too much too fast.)

They don’t set up an efficient system that provides the best user experience (UX).


Will Learn How To Eliminate

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A client telling you exactly what he has learned and experienced. He met joshua ramsey at the same confernce you are thinking about attending.